The PureProperties has been developed for our vendors,landlords,buyers & tenants
Why download it?
If you’re a vendor, we’ll help get your property live in no time by enabling you to:
Pick and choose the service that suits you. Need an EPC or fancy a floor plan? We can organize these.
List your property at a time convenient to you. Prefer to do this in your time after work or at the weekend? No problem, our app works around you.
Find out what property has already sold for in your postcode, this will guide your valuation.
Use the five step photo and staging guide to ensure you capture great photographs of your property to attract the perfect buyer.
Provide the required personal and property administration without having to visit our office or speak to us on the phone.
Send your availability to us for viewings and any other appointments. We don’t like playing phone tennis and we’re sure you don’t either!
Login quickly and easily using social media accounts.
Once your property is live, you’ll get:
Viewings and other appointments booked directly into your device’s calendar at a time that’s convenient for you.
Reminders before a prospective buyer is due to view your property.
Instant access to the feedback that we’ve gathered on your behalf from viewings.
A direct communication channel with us from your device.
The ability to accept / decline or negotiate an offer at the tap of a button.
Sales progression: property offers, messages and feedback all in one place.
If you’re a landlord, we’ll help get your property live in no time by enabling you to:
Pick and choose the service that suits you. Need an EPC and require a gas safety certificate? We can organize these.
List your property at a time convenient to you. Prefer to do this in your time after work or at the weekend? No problem, our app works around you.
Use the five step photo and staging guide to ensure you capture great photographs of your property to attract the perfect tenant.
Provide the required personal and property administration without having to visit our office or speak to us on the phone.
Create a thorough inventory of your property providing photographic evidence as a backup.
Send your availability to us for viewings and any other appointments. We don’t like playing phone tennis and we’re sure you don’t either!
Login quickly and easily using social media accounts.
Once your property is live, you’ll get:
Viewings and other appointments booked directly into your device’s calendar at a time that’s convenient for you.
Reminders before a prospective tenant is due to view your property.
Instant access to the feedback that we’ve gathered on your behalf from viewings.
A direct communication channel with us from your device.
The ability to accept / decline or negotiate a tenant’s rent at the tap of a button.
Portfolio management: property offers, messages and feedback all in one place.
If you’re a buyer or tenant…
Never miss out on your dream property again, express interest instantly.
Browse the latest properties that we have on the market.
Narrow your search using the favorites function.
We’ll keep you up to date with properties carefully matched to your requirements.
All this from the convenience of your smart phone!
We pride ourselves on being a forward-thinking agent which is directly reflected in our app. We would love to hear any feedback you have on it.
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of Pure Properties! No registration and SMS required!